Since its groundbreaking debut in 2011, the Ducati Diavel has evolved into a global phenomenon, consistently securing its place as one of the best-selling...
What is the Batmobile car?
The fictitious vehicle that the superhero Batman drives is known as the Batmobile. The Batmobile is a heavily armoured tactical...
Generally, the budget of a middle-class person for a bike ranges from 1 lakh to 2 lakhs. There are many good bikes out there in the market but, what are the “Top 5 Rs 1-2 lakh bikes in India?” Their are many main players in the race such as Royal Enfield classic 350, KTM Duke 200 , Yamaha R15v4, Bajaj Pulsar NS 200, TVS Ronin, Apache RTR 160, Gixxer , Royal Enfield Hunter and so on..... let us see which of them make it to the top 5 1-2 lakh bikes in India.